Monday, April 6, 2009

Constantly Feeling Tired? How to Become Super-Active Now

Do you constantly feel tired? Always wanting to hit the pillow? Unable to stay active for long?

If you are constantly feeling tired then you are not alone. You may be surprised to know that a lot of people are suffering from the exact same problem like you.

As much as 20-25% of people in USA seem to be suffering from chronic fatigue problem. The problems people face can be about difficulty in getting up, unable to stay alert at work, unable to lead an active life, constantly feeling tired, feeling sleepy all the time, not wanting to do chores, feeling lazy, feeling weak etc.

These tiredness and fatigue issues can cause problems in our relationships, work life and health. If we are active then we can be fit, have healthy relationships and focus on our careers.

Feeling tired sometimes may be quite normal. But constantly feeling tired is something that we would need to work on. If its left unchecked, then it can lead to more serious ailments.

Thankfully, there are measures you can take to overcome this problem of constant tiredness and lethargy. The first step can be to find out the real cause behind your tiredness problem.

Some of the causes of constant tiredness may include:

  • Health problems specially heart problems, arthritis etc
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Anemia
  • Lack of sufficient quality sleep
  • Medications
  • Unhealthy lifestyle habits

The above mentioned are just a few causes. There can be other factors responsible for your problem. Once you are able to pinpoint the real cause, you can focus on it to eliminate your problem of tiredness.

If your problem is lifestyle related then you should seriously work to improve your habits. Whether it is your sleep pattern, unhealthy eating or lack of physical activity.

Overcoming Tiredness
Lack of exercise can be a major reason for feeling tired all the time. You should have some kind of exercise be it as simple as walking or jogging or gardening.

Your mind and body will feel relaxed and pleasant with exercise. Exercise can help in stress reduction and make you feel active. It can increase your energy levels. So don't neglect this thing.

Another reason could be unhealthy eating habits. We usually eat all types of junk food, unhealthy food and also overeat food. All this can affect our level of activeness making us more lazy and sleepy.

Eating more fruits and vegetables, avoiding too much sugar, salt or oil, avoiding junk food and avoiding overeating can be some ways we can help overcome our tiredness problem if its related to unhealthy eating. Drink more water to raise your energy levels.

There is a good resource that can teach about how to give up bad habits. You can learn how to eliminate habits that are affecting your health or life. Check out the details here - Bad Habit Busting

Becoming Super-Active
If you don't want to be dull and listless, and want to be super-active, energetic and a fit person then take steps to eliminate constant tiredness from your life. For a happier and more fulfilling life, check out - The End Tiredness Program

This program was designed by tiredness expert - Tina. She was a counselor who had worked with police officers and fire-fighters. You know how stressful these jobs are and you need to be alert all the time.

She believes that we need to treat the condition and not the symptoms of the problem. This program is based on scientific study and long experience of working with fatigued people. You can find out more details by visiting her site - Say No to Tiredness

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